[re] 150만원짜리 현상퀴즈!!!!!!!! - 9번 참고 자료

by 채소 posted Jan 03, 2002


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>9.르네상스시기에 도식기보(역자주:TAB를 뜻하는듯함)로 기보된 류트곡은
>모두 몇곡정도 남아 있는가?(가장 근접한 수)

1450년부터 1600년까지를 음악사에서 보통 르네상스시대라고 부른다고 합니다.

누리집들을 찾아보니


에 답을 추정할 만한 자료가 있습니다..

1500년부터 1600년까지의 lute를 위한 Tab 악보는

673+ 2125+ 695+ 1309+? -? =??

정도가 되지 않을까요?

정답이 뭘까 궁금합니다..


Sixteenth-Century Lute Tablatures
Lute music is by far the most common source of plucked-string music in the sixteenth century. At least 85% of the existing books are for the lute, as opposed to roughly 7% for the cittern, 6% for the guitar, 3.5% for the vihuela, and the remainder for the bandora, orpharion, and pandora (1 book each). Lute tablatures were printed throughout the century, but production peaks around 1546. Much of the material from this period was subsequently reprinted, especially in the 1560s, with a lull in printing around 1580. Beginning in the 1590s, printed tablature production rose sharply, especially in Italy.

All genre types are well-represented, but intabulations of vocal works are especially common, comprising over 44% of the original repertory. Songs using the lute as an accompanying instrument occur mostly at the beginning and end of the century, with a sharp rise in the 1590s, and are noticeably absent in the 1540s and 1560s.

In the chart below, the totals represent existing sources and, in square brackets, ones that are now lost. The sources are compiled by tablature type (TAB)--either Italian (IT), French (FR), or German (GER)--and the contents are divided into four genres: songs (with standard notation and tablature), intabulations (arrangements of pre-existing vocal models), abstract pieces (ricercari, fantasias, etc.), and dances. Finally, pieces reprinted from previous sources are listed separately.

Lute Tablatures
          Books     IT/FR/GER  songs/intabs/abstr/dances  REPR. pieces  
1500-1509    4 [+2]    6/ 0/ 0     70    57     74    45          0
1510-1519    5         1/ 0/ 4     68    35     20     1          1
1520-1529    6         1/ 2/ 3     61    28     10    10          1
1530-1539   12         3/ 1/ 8     22   136     95    76         28
1540-1549   45 [+1]   26/12/ 9      0   516    144   207        527
1550-1559   29 [+5]    5/18/ 6     59   329     62    63        203
1560-1569   37 [+8]   25/ 8/ 4      0   341     76   225        613
1570-1579   17 [+8]    6/ 6/ 5     76   242     22    93        398
1580-1589   12 [+6]    9/ 2/ 2     70   205     63   203         44
1590-1599   29 [+9]   17/ 9/ 3    247   236    129   386         92

totals:    194 [+39]  99/58/42    673  2125    695  1309       1906

Each item below presents the source siglum, composer's or publisher's complete name, an abbreviated title, description of the notation and intended instruments, the division into genres used for the chart above, and, finally, related sources. Some of the items have links to more complete bibliographical information (I'm working through the sources roughly in a chronological order). This list can also be searched alphabetically under Composers for the Lute


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