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2013년 따레가콩쿨과  gfa 국제콩쿠르 우승자

롭샨  마메두클리에프 초청연주회

장소....파주시 운정동  솔가람아트홀

시간....2015년 10월 9일 금요일(휴일)  7시

입장권..........(특석)  3만원,    (일반석)  2만원.

예매..........한단문화원  010-4136-2434//////티켓링크1588-7890

예매문의 .... ...한단문화원  010 - 4136 -2434)

           신한은행  100-030--039330  한단문화원   

           (예매하신분은  당일 입구에서  입장권을 받으시면 됩니다.)\\\\

마스터 클라스는 아래  링크


롭샨 마메두클리에프는 1986년 아제르바이젠에서  태어났다.

이년후  러시아로 건너가 11살에  기타를 시작했다.

2009년 노브고로드 콘써바토리를 졸업했다.

2014년에  모스크바 마이모니데스 주립 클래식기타교수로 활동하기시작했다.

1999년 이후로 20개 이상의 콩쿠르에 우승했다.

2014년에는  스페인  따레가국제콩쿨과  미국 gfa국제콩쿠르를 우승했다.


파주시  클래식기타를 사랑하는 모임인 

파주 올쏠리드 클래식기타동호회에서

이렇게  멋진 연주회를 주관하게  되었습니다...

게다가  솔가람아트홀은 음향까지  좋은곳이어서 

감동이  배가 될것으로  확신합니다.

이  소중한 연주회에  오셔서

가족들과 연인과 이웃과 깊은 추억의 자리를 간직하시길 바랍니다...

주관.......파주  올쏠리드 클래식기타 동호회.

주최.......파주시 현관예술제, 한단문화원

후원.......파주 미래아동병원,

협찬.......고운악기,  기타매니아. 파주 백주나 기타레슨 ,기타밸런스,

  •  일산 김진수 기타학원, 기타소리 동호회,  파주 썸머레인 기타아카데미

  • 찬조출연......(고양파주 기타동호회,,,,올쏠리드,  기타소리  )

     * 찬조출연자 :   기타소리의 멤버 ................안상훈, 원종억

     * 연주곡명 : ARIA A DEUX (No 4) - F. KLEYNJANS


    * 연락처 : 대표 - 엄경훈

     * 모임안내문 : 기타소리는 고양시에 거주하는 클래식기타를 사랑하는 동호인들의 모임입니다.

                           매주 토요일 일산서구 탄현동에 위치한 고양문화의집에서 활동하고 있으며

                           기타소리 앙상블 정기연주회와 문화예술행사 찬조연주로 지역사회 문화발전에 기여하고 있습니다.

    * 찬조출연.....올 쏠리드 멤버 ....임석현, 최동명  duet

    cavatina ...........MYERS

    * 올 쏠리드 클래식기타....  기타바이러스님과  많은 파주 애호가분들의

    모임으로  파주지역  기타문화를 풍성하게 하는 모임입니다.

    Rovshan Mamedkuliev - Gran Jota - Francisco Tárrega  

    위 링크는  실제연주만한 감동은 없겠지만   연주자를 소개하는 의미로  올립니다.


    lee hyunjeong...jpg


    -리여석 기타오케스트라 단원 활동 중

    -수원대학교 음대 기타전공 재학 중

    -2014 한국기타협회 콩쿨 성인부 수상

    Rovshan Mamedkuliev (guitar) 



    1st part 


    Miguel Llobet (1878-1938)...... Folia (Variationes de un tema de Sor), op.15 

    Stepan Rak (b. 1945)..... Homage to Francisco Tarrega 

    issac  Albeniz (1860-1909)..... Asturias

     Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992)...... Auscencias (in duo with  이현정)

    * 찬조출연자 :   기타소리의 멤버 ................안상훈, 원종억

     * 연주곡명 : ARIA A DEUX (No 4) - F. KLEYNJANS

    * 찬조출연.....올 쏠리드 멤버 ....임석현, 최동명  duet

    cavatina ,  duo in g


     2nd part 


    Fikret Amirov (1922-1984) Six Miniatures (transcription by R. Mamedkuliev):  

    - Ballad  

    - Ashug’s Song  

    - Lyrical Dance  

    - On Hunting  

    - Nocturne  

    - Toccata  


    Sergey Rudnev (b. 1955) Old-Lime Tree                                     

    Francisco Tarrega (1922-1984) Gran Jota 

    Rovshan Mamedkuliev

    (classical guitar)


    «In the very first moment I heard Rovshan Mamedkuliev I felt that a real sensitive and eхpressive musician had appeared in the guitar scene giving our instrument one of its most appreciated gifts: “emotion”»

    Ernesto Bitetti (Argentina-Spain)

    «Une grande profondeur artistique anime ce musicien hors du commun. J'ai eu, à maintes reprises, le privilège de l'entendre en concert et  je peuх dire qu'à chaque fois il crée l'évènement»

    Philippe Lemaigre (Belgium)


    «Rovshan Mamedkuliev is a real musician. Classical guitar today needs more musicians, not just guitarists»

    Roland Dyens (France)


    "His technique is indeed formidable - eхtraordinarily precise..."

    Mark Morris (Edmonton Journal, Canada)


    "Mamedkuliev’s playing is confident and pleasingly colouristic throughout. A talent to watch"

    William Yeoman (Gramophone, UK)

    «His "tone is e
    хquisite, phrasing memorable, pacing ineхorable, carrying the listener to its massive climaх"…»

    Kenneth Keaton (American Record Guide, USA)

    Rovshan Mamedkuliev's Na
    хos Recording is "an impressive debut from an accomplished all-rounder"

    Paul Fowles (Classical Guitar Magazine, UK)

    "Mamedkuliev performs with mastery"  

    Alan Fark (Minor 7th, USA)


    "Brilliant technique"

    David Denton (David's review corner, USA)


    "Whether a firebrand or a firebird, Rovshan Mamedkuliev is as phenomenal a rarity as one gets in the kingdom of classical guitar, burning a hole in his tuхedo trousers with his talent and superior technique"

    Roy Whitman (Scranton, PA, USA)


    "Rovshan Mamedkuliev is a spectacle to behold." " of the world’s most eхciting young instrumentalists..."

    Leo B. Carter (Austin Woman Magazine, USA)

    "His technique is mind-boggling, and he plays with conviction and verve"

     David Malachovsky (Times Union, Albany, NY, USA)


    Naхos Grabación de Rovshan Mamedkuliev es "un atractivo conjunto de obras unidas por su interés en las raíces musicales"

    Esther Martin (Ritmo, Spain)


    "A poet of the guitar." "Splendidly clear and agile technique, the showmanship and flair, and the marvelous musicianship were only a few of the evening's highlights. Mamedkuliev is a perfectionist, yet he seemed to get inside of the sound to let each note ring, to savor its color and hue. His range of dynamic from eхquisitely soft delicacy to raspy brilliance and ability to change the tone from subtle muteness to a round mellow quality to a hard-edge metallic rocker was impressive. Interestingly, he was never afraid to let silence speak"

    Geraldine Freedman (The Daily Gazette, Albany, NY, USA)


    «The 2012 Winner of the Guitar Foundation of America (GFA) Competition, Rovshan Mamedkuliev, overwhelms his listeners with his superior technique and awesome musicality in his Guitar Laureate Series CD, recently released to the public.  A mix of Spanish classics, American contemporaries, and Azerbaijani folk fare, this latest recording of the GFA Series is quite literally breathtaking.  The Spanish works---Albeniz’s Suite Espanola, Op. 47, No. 3 :”Sevilla,” arranged by Tarrega; Turina’s “Sevillana” (Fantasia); and Tarrega’s “Jota” are given powerful and dramatic renderings while the “Capriccio diabolico” by Castelnuovo-Tedesco and “An Idea” (Passacaglia for Eli) by Brouwer are more haunting and esoteric, but equally as powerful and dramatic.. 

    Mamedkuliev’s supreme technique comes shining through in his rendering of Llobet’s “Variations on a theme of Sor,” Op. 15 and especially “Jota” by Tarrega where his guitar sounds at times faintly distant and then pronouncedly present with stunning arpeggios and tremolos.   Mamedkuliev’s Russian/Azerbaijani background is reflected in his emotional and personal renderings of Rudnev’s “Ivushka” and fellow Azerbaijani, Fikret Amirov’s “12 Miniatures” (Excerpts) arranged by Mamedkuliev himself.   The “La vida breve” (Danza No. 1, Act II, Scene 1, arranged by Keigo Fujii) by Manuel de Falla and Andrew York’s “Just How Funky Are You” round out this exquisite recording with personality and originality»

    Review of Rovshan Mamedkuliev’s Guitar Laureate Series CD by Roy Whitman (Scranton, PA)


    Rovshan Mamedkuliev (classical guitar)

    «Rovshan Mamedkuliev is a real musician.

    Classical guitar today needs more

    musicians, not just guitarists»
    Roland Dyens (France)


    «In the very first moment I heard Rovshan Mamedkuliev

    I felt that a real sensitive and eхpressive musician

    had appeared in the guitar scene giving our instrument

    one of its most appreciated gifts: “emotion”»
    Ernesto Bitetti (Argentina-Spain)


    Rovshan Mamedkuliev was born in May 1986 in Baku, Azerbaijan. A couple years later, Rovshan and his family moved to Nizhny Novgorod (Russia), where at the age of 11 he started taking guitar lessons. From a very early age he showed an exceptional musical talent. In 2004 he was accepted to the very prestigious Nizhny Novgorod Conservatoire where he studied with nationally recognized guitarist Aleksey Petropavlovsky. Throughout his study professors described Rovshan as having “an excellent ear, tenacious memory, a developed sense of rhythm and form and bright artistry". He completed his studies with Honors in 2009 and was invited to teach at Nizhny Novgorod Conservatoire. In 2014 Rovshan Mamedkuliev undertook his role as a professor of the classical guitar department in the Maimonides State Classical Academy (Moscow).

    Since 1999 Rovshan has won more than 20 awards in national and international guitar competitions, including: First Prize on the 6th International competition of the performers on the national instruments «Cup of the North» (Cherepovets, Russia, 2006), First Prize and Special Prize for the best interpretation of the compositions of Leo Brouwer on the 10th International Guitar Competition “Hommage à Leo Brouwer” (Antony, France, 2009), First Prize, Prize of Public and Special Prize for the best interpretation of the compositions of Heitor Villa-Lobos on the 1st International Guitar Competition “Heitor Villa-Lobos” (Salamanca, Spain, 2011), First Prize on the II International Guitar Competition named after A. Frauchi (Moscow, Russia, 2011), First Prize, Prize of Public and Special prize for the best interpretation of the compositions of Francisco Tárrega on the 41th International Guitar Competition “Francisco Tárrega” (Benicasim, Spain, 2014). In 2012 Rovshan won one of the most prestigious guitar competitions in the world - XXX Guitar Foundation of America International Concert Artist Competition (Charleston, SC, USA).

    Rovshan Mamedkuliev has performed throughout the world. His solo career has taken him to numerous places such as Moscow International House of Music, Los-Angeles, Toronto, Brasilia, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Vilnius, Sarajevo, Chisinau, Baku, Minsk. In 2012, he gave a solo concert in New York's Carnegie Hall and concertized performing in numerous cities throughout Germany and Spain. In the 2013-2014 concert season after winning GFA's International Concert Artist Competition, Rovshan gave a Solo concert tour (51 concert) and master-classes throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and Brazil.

    As a soloist Rovshan has performed with a wide variety of ensembles and orchestras including: l’Ensemble orchestral de Valencia (Spain), Orchestre du Conservatoire National de Musique Superiur de Paris (France), Azerbaijani State Chamber Orchestra named after Kara Karaev, Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonic Symphonic Orchestra, State Symphony Orchestra of the Udmurt Republic.

    Rovshan has premiered many new works for classical guitar, including Concerto №3 «Antony» for guitar and symphonic orchestra by Philippe Lemaigre (Antony, France, 2012) and Concerto «Famalicao» by Elena Lebedeva for guitar and chamber orchestra (Kostroma, Russia, 2008).

    Rovshan Mamedkuliev also performs his own arrangements. He released an arrangement of music by Russian composers («Masters of Russian Composition: Alexander Borodin and Anatoly Lyadov», MelBay Publications, USA, 2014) and an arrangement of the music by his native Azerbaijani composer («Fikret Amirov. 6 Miniatures», LACG Editions, USA, 2015).

    A number of works are recorded by Rovshan on CDs: his first professional CD “Con Anima” (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2011), a Guitar Recital CD at the Laureate Series on the prestigious label «Naxos» (Toronto, Canada, 2012), a Solo CD “Semi-Awake, Semi-Dream” on the «Contrastes Records» (Sevilla, Spain, 2015).


    Comment '4'
    • 기타바이러스 2015.07.23 19:43 (*.88.222.129)
      올리솔리드 동호회 회장 기타바이러스 입니다.
      대한민국 기타의 1번지 파주에서 세계적인 연주를 모시게 되었습니다.
      솔가람아트홀은 클래식 전용 연주홀로 아름답고 소리 좋은곳으로 알려져 있습니다.
      파주 / 일산 힘을 보여 줍시다.
      파주 일산 지역 기타 애호가 분들이 많은 것으로 알고 있습니다.
      이번 행사에 많은 게스트 분들이 자리를 채워 주시면 더욱 멋진 연주자들 모시겠습니다.
      그리고 이번 기획을 하신 브라만 곽옹수 선생님이 일산 파주 지역 협찬 하실분을 찾고 있습니다.
      협찬 해주실분 적극 부탁 드립니다.
      관람료는 아직 정해지지 않아 차후 공지 하겠습니다...
    • 기타바이러스 2015.07.23 19:48 (*.88.222.129)
      관람료가 정해졌네요!
      많은 예매 부탁 드립니다...
    • 기타바이러스 2015.09.21 20:28 (*.88.222.129)
      표예매가 시작되었습니다. 많은예매부탁 드립니다.
      2만원 3만원 티켓 링크에서 하네요!
    • 박수 2015.10.07 22:30 (*.70.52.219)
      사진보니 대머리여서 나이 많은줄 착각했는데 어리군요
      제 편견을 깊이 반성합니다
      이번공연 성공리에 마치길 진심으러 기원해봅니다

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