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My Guitar
        Many people are curious about which guitars I have used.  So I would like to share my stories here with ones who interested in.
        The very first guitar I played was a small size guitar.  It was RMB20(1US$ to RMB8.70), steel stringed.  Before that I even didn't know what the guitar looks like.
        Soon after my parents bought me a "better" guitar.  It cost RMB30.00 and equipped with a pick guard and still steel stringed.  In fact, I didn't have any idea about the different between nylon and steel string at that time.
        One year after, my teacher allowed me to use the guitar belongs to my primary school.  It worth RMB60 and installed with nylon like string. (In the meantime I also played acoustic electric and electric guitar in our guitar group and ensemble.)
        All the guitars seemed cannot match my progress of playing quickly.  So my parent used their savings to bought me a new nylon string guitar when I was nine or so, which cost them RMB90.  My parents' monthly income was RMB60.00 at that time, so I thought it was so "expensive" and so "good".
        In fact I didn't know that whether or not it was genuine nylon string as it was just colored and wounded on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd strings.  No one had ever told me that I should have my nails to play a nylon string guitar until I attended an American Guitarist's master class in 1986 (I cannot remember his name anymore).  After the class he gave me a set of nylon string.
        '1987, I got my first foreign guitar during the 1st China guitar festival.  It's a "Pepe" children guitar from Aria, Mr. Kohno brought it for me from Japan.  A Spanish guitarist (he was one of the performer for the festival, unfortunately I cannot remember his name) who wanted to sponsor me a guitar.  So five months after, Spanish Ambassador organized an event of complimenting me a concert guitar.  It had been really helpful for me.
        '1989, Mr. Kohno heard my playing again in Tokyo.  This kind luthier brought me to his studio and picked the guitar (Cedar and Jacaranda) that I like and gave it to me.  This Kohno guitar had accompanied me for 5 years.  Recently I played it again and still find it's sound is so sweet.
        '1994 or so, a friend presents me a lovely German guitar (Mario Gropp, Spruce & Jacaranda).
        '1995, I got another guitar (Cedar and Indian Rosewood) from a Hong Kong luthier as compliment.  Surprise? Yes!   This Hong Kong guitar maker is quite shy, he doesn't want me to mention his name.  It is a really beautiful guitar.  John Williams described that "Oh, this guitar can singing."  I played it for concerts and records many times.
        At the same year, lucky me got the precious Smallman guitar from John Williams.  He left it to his friend in Hong Kong after his concert and asked him to bring it to me.  I had been playing it with a very special feeling.
        Since then, I began to know how much a good guitar (or a guitar that match with your playing) can improve your music!  Smallman guitar keeping make me feel that there are numerous room waiting for me to explore the music, I can use my full force to express it.
        '1997, I bought an Antonio Raya Pardo (Spruce and Jacaranda) from my teacher.  It is a very sensitive guitar.
        '1999, Mr. Ricky Cheow from Hong Kong lent me a '1997 Smallman guitar.  He's such a warm man he even brought his valuable Romanillo (Once belonged to Julian Bream, Pine & Indian) to Beijing for my first CD.  I was very impressed with this pretty guitar.  It has such a delicate and rich sound.
        '2000, I bought my '2000 Smallman, which is the fourth Smallman guitar with armrest.  It is extremely suits me, I love it so much.
        I had also ever played Antonio Marin Mondero, Herman Hauser, etc.  They are all very good guitar.  
        I believe it is not always necessary to play a very famous or expensive guitar.  The one that match with your playing is probably the secret to release your potential.
        For me I just regard my guitar as my lover, then we can make beautiful music together!
        Probably I will get a new Smallman guitar soon.
I often get strings from people as compliment.
I had employed D'Addario, Savarez, Augustine, Hanabach, Lisa, etc.
They are all quite good; depend on playing style and the guitar to be installed on.
Since I have my '2000 Smallman, after trying out many different strings.  I only use D'Addario J46 or J46LP now.
I have become one of the endorsee of D'Addario since 2001.

This page is still under construction, more new material will be added here soon.

양쉐페이홈에서 퍼온글입니다.
기타연주가 좋으니까 참으로 많은분들이 기타를 마구 주는군요....
좋은기타를 구하는 좋은 방법은 연주가 멋지면 돼겠군...헐...
Comment '5'
  • ganesha 2001.10.03 01:14 (*.117.123.91)
    우..누구 저한테 기타 줄 사람 없어요?? - -;
  • 2001.10.03 10:40 (*.62.26.33)
    가네샤..음반녹음하면 누가 줄지몰라여...
  • 2001.10.03 10:40 (*.62.26.33)
    음반이 있어야 그 연주자를 모두 기억하고,
  • 2001.10.03 10:40 (*.62.26.33)
    기억해야 좋은기타있을때 그 연주자 생각하게 되죠.
  • 2001.10.03 10:41 (*.62.26.33)
    내년엔 음반 낼건가요?..30만원이면 음반 낼수 있는데...

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  48. 기타 잘 받았습니다.

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  64. 케이스를 한번 만들어보면?

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    Date2001.07.14 By기타랑 Views4581
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  66. 케이스에 대한 질문.

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  68. 중요한건 습도가 얼마나 되느냐죠.

    Date2001.07.13 By Views4140
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  69. 새로 단장한 흑단 지판..

    Date2001.07.13 By으랏차차 Views4607
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  70. 평시엔 기타를 케이스에서 내어놓아야 좋은가요?

    Date2001.07.12 By렐리우스 Views4336
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  71. 현은 지판에 안 닿아도 누군가는 지판에 닿아요.

    Date2001.07.12 By Views5582
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  72. ☞ 줄은 지판에 닿지 않는데....

    Date2001.07.11 By셰인 Views4400
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  73. 도데체 어떤 마술을 부리셨길레... 수님!!

    Date2001.07.11 By으랏차차 Views4882
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  74. 아마추어-.-a 클래식기타 인터넷 방송합니다~~~

    Date2001.07.11 Byㅎㅎㅎ Views4719
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  75. 수님께선 어쿠스틱 기타 제작은 안하시나요? ^^;;;;

    Date2001.07.11 By짱팔이 Views4218
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  76. 수님 질문이 한가지 있습니다.

    Date2001.07.10 By목향 Views4347
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  77. .

    Date2001.07.09 By Views5127
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  78. 얼마전 100호기타를 구입했는데...

    Date2001.07.09 By렐리우스 Views4512
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  79. 계열이가 여기에?!

    Date2001.07.08 By기혀니 Views4157
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  80. 요즘은 장마철이라 습도가 높져...

    Date2001.07.02 By Views4211
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  81. 왜 기타가 깨질까

    Date2001.07.02 By방가방가 Views4569
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  82. 기타줄 바꾸고 싶은데 뭘로하죠?

    Date2001.06.30 By노경문 Views5053
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  83. 스몰맨.....................

    Date2001.06.28 ByYO Views4948
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  84. ☞ 오호호호~

    Date2001.06.28 By고정욱 Views4460
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  85. 제 기타가 이상해여....ㅜ.ㅜ

    Date2001.06.26 By고정욱 Views4205
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  86. 장마철엔 조심해야죠........

    Date2001.06.26 By Views4318
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  87. 기타와 장마

    Date2001.06.25 By새내기 Views4305
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  88. Date2001.06.22 By Views4161
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  89. ☞ 맨나중프렛이....

    Date2001.06.22 By박카스 Views4128
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  90. 수님~!

    Date2001.06.22 By박카스 Views4184
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  91. 맨나중프렛이....

    Date2001.06.22 By Views4141
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  92. 기타왔습니다

    Date2001.06.22 By박카스 Views4240
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  93. 기타로 오도바일타자....

    Date2001.06.20 By멋쟁이 Views4905
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  94. 국산기타현....

    Date2001.06.19 By Views4545
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  95. 기타줄에 대한 글들이 많은데여..

    Date2001.06.18 By고정욱 Views4818
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  96. ☞ kasha- schneider

    Date2001.06.18 By눈물반짝 Views5034
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  97. ☞ 또 기타줄...

    Date2001.06.15 Byganesha Views4472
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  98. ☞ ☞ 사용소감

    Date2001.06.14 By김진성 Views4107
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  99. ☞ 사용소감

    Date2001.06.14 ByLew Views4314
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  100. 또 기타줄...

    Date2001.06.13 By김진성 Views4904
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